How Does MyShippingAssistant Work?

Have you ever been disappointed after finding the perfect item online, only to discover that it can't be delivered to your address? Shopping from British stores can be frustrating, but no need to worry anymore. Our warehouse service is the solution you've been looking for. You can shop from any British store and mail your packages directly to our warehouse address. We'll take care of everything else for you, including consolidating, repacking, and shipping your items straight to your doorstep. Say goodbye to stress and hassle and hello to the convenience of shopping from anywhere in the UK. Contact us today to learn more about our shipping forwarding service and start enjoying the benefits of hassle-free shopping!

STEP 1: Obtain your address in the United Kingdom 

After completing the registration process, we will provide you with a personal delivery address in the United Kingdom. This ensures that your packages will be delivered safely and securely directly to our warehouse.


STEP 2: Start shopping! 

Shop to your heart's content with's shipping address. If you need extra assistance, our assisted purchase service can take care of everything for you, from ordering to paying to receiving your item, for an additional fee. Don't let distance stand in the way of getting what you want. Experience the ultimate convenience and satisfaction with our services today.


STEP 3: We receive and consolidate your packages

Once your packages arrive at our warehouse in the next few days, we will promptly register them on your account. Our team will carefully inspect and measure each item to ensure that it meets our high standards. You can expect to receive a photo of the contents to confirm that everything is in order. If you're looking to save on shipping costs, we can consolidate your items for added convenience. As always, we are here to help with any questions or concerns you may have.


STEP 4 : Delivery to your doorstep

Your package will be delivered to your doorstep after processing your payment. We sincerely hope that you will love your new item! After processing your order with the utmost care and precision, we will have it delivered straight to your doorstep for your utmost convenience. You can rest easy knowing that your package will reach you in a timely and secure manner, ready for you to enjoy.
